France can kiss my Southern Grits!

There is a certain French Family that I think the world of but I have to tell ya this pisses me off! Giles will understand 😉
Who the hell do they think they are!! We don’t give a shit what you socialist pigs think about OUR POTUS Donald J. Trump!
All ya’ll can kiss my Southern Infidel GRITS!
We liberated your asses one time and then you threw us under the bus — Wikipedia —>>> Renaming was initiated in February 2003 by Beaufort, North Carolina “Cubbie’s” restaurant owner Neal Rowland, who said he was motivated by similar actions against Germany in World War I, when “sauerkraut was called liberty cabbage, and frankfurters were renamed hot dogs”. In an interview about the name change, Rowland commented “since the French are backing down [from the war], French fries and French everything needs to be banned”. In March 2007, Rowland obtained a trademark registration for the term “freedom fries”.
You think we are going to come in and liberate you again from the mess YOU socialist idiots have caused AGAIN!? I hope the hell not!
You wanted the islamic muslim terrorist killers enjoy them and your sharia law! We liberate your sorry dumbasses again it will be in order to call it France of AMERICA!
IMO it is time to revise that stance and say FU France!
Another link to their stupidity below!
 PARIS — A few hundred people have protested in Paris against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, expressing their concern about whether he will respect human rights, women and minorities.Protesters, including many Americans living in France, took to the streets Saturday in the Eiffel Tower neighborhood behind a large banner “Paris against Trump.”Youssef Al-Moughrabi, born in California and studying in Paris, told The Associated Press that “we are not contesting election results. But in every democracy I believe there is a government and there is an opposition, in a healthy democracy, and we are the opposition.”Many placards could be seen in the crowd with messages against racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, “homophobia” and “white nationalism.”

Source: Hundreds of people protest against Trump in French capital

#WIKILEAKS dump shows Hillary #Clinton calling muslims “sandniggers” 

SO?  That is what my grandparents called those that follow islam

I wonder how this will sit with Hillary’s best buddies at designated terrorist group CAIR and her Muslim chief advisor Huma Abedin?

Source: WIKILEAKS dump shows Hillary Clinton calling Muslims “sandniggers” – BARE NAKED ISLAM

U.K. Carrier HMS Illustrious Sold for Scrap — TO TURKEY!

SMH why are nations still dealing with them on such valuables? UK leaders as dumb as hussein!

The U.K. Royal Navy Invincible-class aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious (R 06), and Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) in 2007. US Navy PhotoUnable to find a permanent home for the retired Royal Navy carrier HMS Illustrious, the U.K. Ministry of Defence announced on Tuesday it would sell the ship for scrap to a Turkish firm.Illustrious was sold to LEYAL Ship Recycling Ltd. for around $2.64 million (£ 2 million), read the statement.Commissioned in 1982, Illustrious was deployed at the conclusion of the first Gulf War and provided aid to the Philippines in response following Typhoon Haiyan.The carrier was decommissioned in 2014.The sale comes after three cities – Hull, Portsmouth and British Overseas Territory Gibraltar — had entered failed bids to convert the 22,000-ton ship into a museum, according to The Telegraph.“The size of the warship and the amount needed to maintain her are understood to have defeated all the bids,” wrote the paper in May.Illustrious is scheduled to leave Portsmouth for Turkey in the fall.“We have done all we can for over two years to find a home for the former HMS Illustrious in the U.K., and regrettably all options have now been exhausted,” U.K. Minister for Defence Procurement Harriett Baldwin said in the Tuesday MoD statement.The MoD has sold two other carriers to Turkish scrap merchants in the last several years — HMS Ark Royal for $3.83 million in 2013 and HMS Invincible $2.64 million.The first of two planned Queen Elizabeth carriers, which will bring a carrier capability back to the Royal Navy, is due in Portsmouth in 2017.“As the former aircraft carrier gets ready to leave Portsmouth, so we can look to the future and the arrival of the new Queen Elizabeth Class carriers, which will ensure that the Royal Navy continues to be a pre-eminent maritime power in the modern world,” former Illustrious commander Mike Utley said in a statement.Related

Source: U.K. Carrier HMS Illustrious Sold for Scrap

If you ever had any doubt that Bill O’Reilly of FOX News wasn’t actually a Muslim-sympathizing liberal, this will remove it

You know you’ve jumped the shark when designated terrorist group CAIR sings your praises, Bill. Schmuck.

Source: If you ever had any doubt that Bill O’Reilly of FOX News wasn’t actually a Muslim-sympathizing liberal, this will remove it

Heavily-armed French soldiers deployed to protect Christian shrine…IN FRANCE!

Millions of pilgrims, many of whom are disabled, are drawn to the healing waters of the site in south west France every year where, in 1858, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous. And the numbers swell on August 15 – the Catholic feast day of  the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Source: Heavily-armed French soldiers deployed to protect Christian shrine…IN FRANCE!

sexual perversities of Saudi muslims, the West does not know about | Apostates and Infidels

MarriageMesyalMisfarMutahSexUrfaMisyarThe sexual perversities of Saudi Muslims, the West does not know aboutDecember 10, 2015|Nick van RielIn the Saudi society, women are treated like commodities and disposable containers. Different kinds of legal opportunities have been provided for Saudi men to exploit women in the name of Islam throughout the world. Saudi scholars have issued many Fatawas to allow several kinds of deceptive and fake marriages to use women as sex slaves for as long as they wish. We are providing below some details in this regard. MISYAR Misyar is a temporary marriage between men and women for sexual pleasure. In this marriage the woman relinquishes all her rights that are available to her in an Islamic marriage. It is claimed that 60 Salafi scholars, including Saudi Grand Mufti Shaikh Abdulaziz al-Shaikh endorsed Misyar marriage between men and women in their fatawas. The terms and conditions of Sunni Misyar and Shia practice of Mutah (sexual pleasure ) are the same except that in Misyar, partners do not fix a time to end their sexual relationship and are free to abandon each other anytime they wish. In Mutah, they fix a specific time, like one week, one month etc., and at the end of that period both man and woman are considered as legally separated. In Misyar and Mutah, man and woman need not live together under the same roof. They can meet whenever the man demands and spend a few hours together in privacy for sex and go to their homes quietly. Misyar is a relationship without social binding or loyalty. The woman in this relationship is just a sexual mate and not a prostitute who entertains sex with anybody for money. Whenever you want, call each other, meet, have sex and both of you are on your ways. If you’re fed up with the woman, just call her and tell her that you don’t want to continue having sex with her. That’s the end of your relationship. ‘Arab News’ on October 12, 2014 reported that Misyar is a widespread social reality in the Saudi Salafi society, as 7 out of 10 marriages in Saudi Arabia are based on Misyar. The above are official figures. It is a known fact that majority of Misyar marriages are not reported for obvious reasons. Saudi men are also involved in Misyar marriages with poor expatriate Muslim women and girls. These appalling statistics show that about 90% of Saudi Women are being forced into Government sponsored prostitution in the name of Misyar marriages. The women in Misyar marriages are reported to have sex with dozens of Saudi men one after the other. Most of these Saudis do have families but they are involved in secret sex with plenty of women in the name of Misyar. It is Islamic sex on demand or secret prostitution. In addition to Misyar, several other modes of fake marriages are practiced in Saudi Arabia, as follows: a. URFA – In this relationship, arrangements are made as a customary marriage but there are no official contracts signed and this relationship also does not give women any rights whatsoever.She is kept as long as the man wishes to use her for sex. b. MESYAF (Summer holiday marriage) – It is a tourism marriage practiced by Saudis and other Salafis in the world who go on summer vacation to countries, like Yemen, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Islamic countries. In these countries they take advantage of poor Muslim families by Misyar marriages with young, rather very young girls between the ages of 9 to 16 years in collusion with local middlemen and agents who are paid for these notorious services. There are two types of fake marriages in MESYAF. The woman / girl is made aware that the fake marriage is done for a short time for the Saudi to have sex with her. In this case, she bargains and gets paid an agreed amount in advance.The woman / girl and her parents are not made aware about the intentions of Saudis. Poor parents and the young girl consider that it is a regular Islamic marriage and that after marriage she will go to Saudi Arabia with her husband. These fake marriages are also done with the knowledge and collusion of middlemen and agents.In these deceptive marriages, men from Saudi Arabia and other rich Gulf countries spend 15 days to one month with these poor hapless young girls in hotels. At the end of their vacation, Saudis disappear in thin air leaving behind the devastated young girl and her parents. There are hundreds of thousands of young Muslim girls who have become victim to this Saudi practice. These girls later get involved in prostitution in these countries. c. FRIEND MARRIAGE – This is a special marriage where the bride does not go out of her house. The male goes to her house in the night or meets with her in a hotel and has sex with her, after which she goes back to her home. In this relationship the woman does not have any legal maintenance from the man. In most of the cases the woman demands a certain amount and gets it in advance. d. MISFAR – (Foreign study and business trip marriage) Misfar refers to a deceptive ma

Source: The sexual perversities of Saudi Muslims, the West does not know about | Apostates and Infidels