Sun of Righteousness


“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” (Malachi 4:2)

This is the very last of the numerous Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. After this, there were four centuries of silence from heaven, as far as inspired Scriptures were concerned. Thus this prophecy must have special significance.

The Messiah (“Christ”) is called “the Sun of righteousness” in contrast to “all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly” that “shall burn as an oven” when “the day cometh” (v. 1)—that “great and dreadful day of the LORD” (v. 5), and it “shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts” (v. 1).

The “Sun of righteousness” clearly refers to the coming Savior, for He will come “with healing in his wings.” The sun does not have…

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Our Lamb of God


John 1:19-29

From the beginning, God has dealt with sin through the shedding of blood. When mankind’s first act of disobedience was committed, the Lord Himself instituted the sacrificial system: He killed an animal and used its skin to cover Adam and Eve physically, just as its blood “covered” their sin. This was a temporary solution, however. Only the shed blood of Jesus Christ could atone for sin and permanently do away with it.

The Son of God came as the sin-bearer for the whole world— He lived a perfect life and then assumed full responsibility for all of our transgressions and guilt. Through His death on the cross, those who trust Him as Savior enjoy the freedom of full pardon and are made righteous and holy in the eyes of the Father.

This is why we call Jesus the Lamb of God. In the Old Testament, lambs were sacrificed…

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Blessed Bread


Today's DevotionalJesus took some bread and blessed it.  Matthew 26:26 nlt

When our oldest child became a teenager, my wife and I gave her a journal that we’d been writing in since her birth. We’d recorded her likes and dislikes, quirks and memorable one-liners. At some point the entries became more like letters, describing what we see in her and how we see God at work in her. When we gave it to her on her thirteenth birthday, she was mesmerized. She’d been given the gift of knowing a crucial part of the origins of her identity.

In blessing something as common as bread, Jesus was revealing its identity. What it—along with all creation—was made to reflect: God’s glory. I believe Jesus was also pointing to the future of the material world. All creation will one day be filled with the glory of God. So in blessing bread (Matthew 26:26), Jesus was…

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VIDEO Moved by Compassion


But when [Christ] saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36

During the First Great Awakening in colonial New England (1730s-1740s), a church in Enfield, Connecticut, had experienced almost no revival or awakening. The pastor invited Jonathan Edwards, a fellow pastor, to preach to his congregation on July 8, 1741. That sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” became the most famous sermon of the era and is still read and studied today. It laid out clearly the eternal consequences of not responding by faith to the grace of God in Christ.

Edwards’ sermon was not a shouting, “fire and brimstone” message. It was simply the result of his study of the Word of God combined with his compassion for those he knew to be lost. His compassion moved him to speak the…

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Hollywood Has-Been Demands Woohan Flu Test For Yeast Infection


Kathy Griffin arrived at a local hospital ER with complaints of severe pain and demanded she receive a test for the coronavirus, despite showing no symptoms associated with the viral infection. Normal lab tests showed she was suffering from a virulent bacterial infection typically seen in animals. She was treated and released the next day with an advisory to avoid grooming salons, petting zoos and dog parks.


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Turning Tragedy into Triumph


1 Corinthians 15:55

Never in history did such tragedy visit one life in a single day as on that dark Friday when Jesus stumbled to Calvary bearing the cross, carrying the world’s sin and guilt.

Crucifixions were reserved for the outcasts of earth. But Christ was no ordinary victim. He was the One of whom it was written, “Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3).

The tragedy of this ignominious crucifixion of Christ, even in this day, causes the heart to cry out, “Why?” Why such blindness to the Spirit-filled, God-indwelt character of the Savior? But through the tragic darkness of that Friday shone a glorious light of salvation, purchased at tremendous cost.

The continuing tragedy is that there are still those who remain blind to the cross of Christ, who do not see the Light, but continue to live…

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Fruit Juice


I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. John 15:5

A thrift-store bargain, the lamp seemed perfect for my home office—the right color, size, and price. Back at home, however, when I plugged in the cord, nothing happened. No light. No power. No juice.

No problem, my husband assured me. “I can fix that. Easy.” As he took the lamp apart, he saw the trouble immediately. The plug wasn’t connected to anything. Without wiring to a source of power, the “perfect” pretty lamp was useless.

The same is true for us. Jesus told His disciples, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” But then he added this reminder: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

This teaching was given in…

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