France can kiss my Southern Grits!

There is a certain French Family that I think the world of but I have to tell ya this pisses me off! Giles will understand 😉
Who the hell do they think they are!! We don’t give a shit what you socialist pigs think about OUR POTUS Donald J. Trump!
All ya’ll can kiss my Southern Infidel GRITS!
We liberated your asses one time and then you threw us under the bus — Wikipedia —>>> Renaming was initiated in February 2003 by Beaufort, North Carolina “Cubbie’s” restaurant owner Neal Rowland, who said he was motivated by similar actions against Germany in World War I, when “sauerkraut was called liberty cabbage, and frankfurters were renamed hot dogs”. In an interview about the name change, Rowland commented “since the French are backing down [from the war], French fries and French everything needs to be banned”. In March 2007, Rowland obtained a trademark registration for the term “freedom fries”.
You think we are going to come in and liberate you again from the mess YOU socialist idiots have caused AGAIN!? I hope the hell not!
You wanted the islamic muslim terrorist killers enjoy them and your sharia law! We liberate your sorry dumbasses again it will be in order to call it France of AMERICA!
IMO it is time to revise that stance and say FU France!
Another link to their stupidity below!
 PARIS — A few hundred people have protested in Paris against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, expressing their concern about whether he will respect human rights, women and minorities.Protesters, including many Americans living in France, took to the streets Saturday in the Eiffel Tower neighborhood behind a large banner “Paris against Trump.”Youssef Al-Moughrabi, born in California and studying in Paris, told The Associated Press that “we are not contesting election results. But in every democracy I believe there is a government and there is an opposition, in a healthy democracy, and we are the opposition.”Many placards could be seen in the crowd with messages against racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, “homophobia” and “white nationalism.”

Source: Hundreds of people protest against Trump in French capital

Seems Like All Of The World Should Be Actively Hunting Soros And His Buddies After Email Leaks

Looks to me like Soros is a muslim supporter!

A summary of the proposal notes that “the proposed reserve fund allocation will allow for additional resources to be allocated towards countering xenophobic attitudes in Europe, move parts of the political mainstream towards more pro-refugee positions, and build constituencies around a more progressive approach to migration and asylum.”A section of the proposal titled “Unforeseen need” explains that the money is needed because of the loss of sympathy for refugees in due in part to the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. (RELATED: Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence.)“The debate around migration in Europe has become increasingly anti-migrant both at the political and public level. In 2015, the high number of refugee arrivals and the terrorist attacks in Paris in November, have eroded much of the sympathy towards refugees that was present earlier that year.”The proposal notes, “While Germany started in mid-2015 with a widespread welcoming attitude towards refugees, by now general sentiment leans towards closure of borders.” The proposal claims that “Sweden, the other traditional stronghold of solidarity towards refugees, is facing similar challenges.” (RELATED: Swedish Police Tell Women Not To Go Out Alone Due To Migrant Violence)

Source: Seems Like All Of The World Should Be Actively Hunting Soros And His Buddies After Email Leaks – ‘Nox & Friends