France’s New sharia Police 

Will the ACLU stand up for American women? Probably not as islam is of the liberal agenda.


The silence of politicians and human rights organizations, when non-Muslim women are violently assaulted because they wear shorts that are not compatible with sharia — as opposed to their thundering indignation against police for issuing a fine to a Muslim woman in a burkini — signals an immensely important political and institutional move: A fundamental and constitutional principle, equality between men and women, is being sacrificed in the name of freedom of religion, thereby enabling one religion (Islam) to impose its diktats on the rest of society.Studying the burkini case in Nice, Blandine Kriegel, philosopher and former president of Haut Conseil à l’intégration (High Council of Integration) published an analysis in which she establishes that in the burkini case, secularism or individual freedom were not even in danger in the first place. But “fundamentally an openly, the principle of equality between men and women” was surrendered:

Source: France’s New Sharia Police | Creeping Sharia

Dear Ann, So Why Would A musloid Brotherhood Operative Marry the World’s Most Repulsive Jew?

Okay.  The whole Abedin-Weiner marriage was a scam from the get-go. Weiner is what is called a “beard”.  A “beard” is the fake spouse of a sex pervert (of either sex) looking to cover their sodomitical ways.  Now, what we have with Abedin and Weiner is a SECONDARY “beard” dynamic, namely the covering of Abedin’s status as a Musloid Brotherhood operative.  When Abedin went from being the concubine of not just the First Lady and “co-president” of the U.S., to being the concubine and top consigliere (think Tom Hagen, folks) of a U.S. Senator, then Secretary of State, then anointed next “president of the united states”, she needed cover, and quick.  She needed cover for her sodomitical relationship with Hillary Clinton AND cover for her Musloid Brotherhood position. Huma Abedin needed to marry a Jew. Two birds, one stone.Enter Carlos Danger.The Clintons and Abedin reckoned that if Abedin married the biggest negative-stereotypical Jew on the surface of the earth, and presumably bred with him (check), that if anyone dared question Abedin’s agenda vis-a-vis the islamic political system, she could point to her “husband”, Anthony Weiner, and say, “Look, I married and had a child with the single most repellant Jew on the surface of this or any other planet.  Do you really think I’m a musloid extremist?” And this would work in perpetuity, even when Abedin divorced Weiner (which was pretty much a foregone conclusion.)  Even now, even with Weiner being exposed as a super-perv, Abedin can still now and forevermore point to her fake “marriage” to Weiner to prove that she isn’t “that kind of musloid”.Oh, and by the way, you know who “officiated” at the Abedin-Weiner wedding, don’t you?William. Jefferson. Clinton.Uh huh.  Are you getting it now?I am reminded of the case of a mildly famous priest who carried on with a politically-connected female concubine and fathered a child with said woman. When it was time to baptize the child, it was decided that the best way to cover their tracks would be to have the priest-babydaddy BAPTIZE HIS OWN SON – precisely because everyone would say, “There is no possible way that these people would be so depraved, so breathtakingly manipulative, calculating and psychopathic, as to have the priest-babydaddy baptize his own child.  No one could possibly use the Sacraments of the Church to cover their sacrilegious fornication. No one could possibly be that evil. Therefore, the priest simply can’t be the father.”And that’s EXACTLY why it was decided that priest-babydaddy should baptize his own son. Because when people descend into Diabolical Narcissistic evil, most especially sacrilegious fornication, it becomes a dead-sprint towards hell. Cross reference: Luther, Martin (heterosexual) and Montini, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria (homosexual).Guys, when Our Blessed Lord said, “Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves,” He really, really wasn’t kidding.Huma Abedin married Anthony Weiner precisely because it would give cover for her true agenda as a Musloid Brotherhood infiltrator/operative.

Source: Dear Ann, So Why Would A Musloid Brotherhood Operative Marry the World’s Most Repulsive Jew? | Barnhardt

Infidel Manifesto

Eric Allen Bell·

We do not vandalize. We do not engage in hate speech. We have respect for the law. We do not harm our fellow citizens. We are slow to anger and when we finally get angry, we express that anger in a civilized way. UNDER THAT BANNER, I WILL STATE THE FOLLOWING:

Promoter of Islam, I do not tolerate you. Your feigned or willful ignorance, about Islam, is no longer an excuse. I hold you personally accountable.

I am offended by you. I cannot and will not tolerate a person, who advances an ideology, which teaches the inferiority of women, the killing and hatred of Jews, the execution of homosexuals, the silencing of free speech, forced amputations, the stoning of rape victims, genital mutilation, and the violent overthrow of all non-Islamic governments and civilizations.

Islam is Nazism with a god. And I cannot and will not “coexist” with Nazis. I will not patronize your places of business. I will not hire you. I will not buy your products. I will not support politicians who support you. I will not be your friend. And if I am your neighbor, I will always be suspicious of you and cautious. I want you to feel so uncomfortable in my free country, in my civilized country, that you renounce your allegiance to this savage and fascist ideology or leave.


ISLAM IS THE ENEMY of free speech, of human rights and of Liberty. If you follow Islam, you are my enemy. I encourage you now to leave Islam and take your place among the civilized people of this world. But if you insist on remaining loyal to the brutal savagery of Islam, your enemies will grow faster than can be contained, by an Islamic lobbyist group or the media or any government agency. This is a zero sum game and the Civilized World will win.

ISLAM HAS BEEN AT WAR FOR 1,400 YEARS with freedom and all that is good. But my head is no longer hidden in the sand. I am at war with you. All people who value human rights, freedom and Liberty should be at war with you. And they will be soon enough, because the enemy of Islam is information and we are spreading information faster than you can keep up with. There is no way to put this genie back in the bottle now. The information age will be the death of Islam.

Your 1,400 year reign of terror is coming to an end. And you, promoter of Islam, are on the wrong side of history.

It is time for all civilized people to find the moral clarity and the courage to GET ANGRY and to BECOME INTOLERANT.

You have the ability to do this in a civilized way.

We must not become like the savages whom we oppose – otherwise they win.

Islam is Nazism with a god. Islam must be stopped. When you support those who advance Islam, you support an ideology that promotes genocide against the unbeliever – as clearly outlined in the Quran.


Tolerance is overrated. If you promote the Quran, you are the enemy of freedom. And you are my enemy. And any Infidel reading this should know that Islam is your enemy too.

Anything less than intolerance – is cowardice and treason. Intolerance, for those who promote Islam is your moral and patriotic duty – and it is your right.

The enemy of Islam is information. Spread this information. Spread it far. Spread it wide – and spread it like Napalm. The Information Age will be the death of Islam.

Those who love Liberty must rise up in a spirit of intolerance and remove from our free society those who wish to promote Islam. Because the future and Islam simply cannot coexist. For Liberty to remain alive, Islam must die.

– Eric Allen Bell

muslims Take Christian Pastor, Hack His Arms Off, Chop His Legs Off And Then Decapitate Him. Now Major Christian Leaders Are Calling For Christians To Carry Arms And Defend Themselves Against islamic Persecutors

This is what killary and hussein want for America and their liberal counterparts have convinced idiots they are not going to be impacted by this.

Always remember and never forget, ALL muslims are terrorist – islam is evil!!

Do not capitalize their terms — they are NOT worthy of such!

Muslims Take Christian Pastor, Hack His Arms Off, Chop His Legs Off And Then Decapitate Him. Now Major Christian Leaders Are Calling For Christians To Carry Arms And Defend Themselves Against Islamic Persecutorsby Ted on July 14, 2016 in Featured, GeneralBy Theodore ShoebatA horrifying massacre took place in Nigeria, in which Muslim terrorist took a Christian pastor, hacked his arms off, chopped off his legs and then decapitated him. This murder, alongside a string of other killings of Christians that have recently taken place, have pushed major Christian leaders in Nigeria to call for Christians to carry arms and defend themselves. Here is one report on the story:The national leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has charged its faithful not to wait and be killed, rather they should defend themselves.The CAN was reacting to the recent killing of a 42 year old female preacher, Mrs. Elisha Olawale, by suspected Muslim fanatics in the Kubwa area of Abuja.Mrs. Elisha Olawale was brutally killed, on Saturday July 9, 2016, while on Christian evangelism in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).A statement issued by CAN’s General Secretary, Rev. Musa Asake, advised Christians across Nigeria to “buckle up” and defend themselves against “mindless attacks.”The statement further called on security agencies to ensure that the perpetrators of the act are brought to book.The statement reads: “The authority’s inaction is becoming unbearable and may not be tolerated anymore.“The unprovoked attacks on Christians and the authority’s inaction is becoming unbearable and may not be tolerated anymore, inasmuch as we will continue to call on Christians to remain tolerant and law abiding, it is becoming inevitable to also call on them to buckle up and be ready to defend themselves against these incessant unprovoked and mindless attacks.“The National leadership and the entire members of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) have received with rude shock and disbelief the report of yet another religious hatred murder of a dedicated 42 year old Christian mother of seven children, Mrs. Eunice Elisha, who on Saturday 9th July, 2016, was brutally killed while doing Christian evangelism.“Mrs. Eunice Elisha was murdered in Kubwa area of Abuja, FCT, in the early hours of the day. Her neck was slashed and she was also stabbed in the stomach. About a month ago in Kano, Mrs. Bridget Agbaheme, a 74 year old Christian was murdered at Wambai market due to an altercation with a Muslim man who came to the front of her shop to perform ablution. Her offence was that she objected to the Islamic washing rite in front of her shop.“Just last week a clergyman of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Reverend Zakariya was killed by attackers suspected to be Fulani Herdsmen in Obi LGA of Nasarawa state. They attacked him on his farm, cut off his arms and legs, then they chopped his head with a machete. Another fresh but sad news reaching us is that of the Fulani herdsmen militia that is back on rampage killing 81 people in multiple attacks in Logo and Ukum local government areas of Benue state in central Nigeria.“In recent times, there have been multiple cases of attacks by Fulani herdsmen on various Christian communities, all over the nation. In the South East and in the South South zones, there have been gruesome attacks on IPOB members and on Christian communities in the Niger Delta. All these are in addition to the relentless attacks of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen in the Middle Belt and southern Borno.“The Christian Association of Nigeria commiserates with the families affected by these mindless orgies of death and destruction as well as with the entire Christian community in Nigeria. We pray that God in His mercy shall comfort and strengthen the families of all the Nigerians affected in these unwarranted murders unleashed upon the nation by religious extremists.“The recurring decimal of violence and murder of innocent Nigerian citizens on the basis of religious intolerance demands specific and relevant response from all concerned citizens in the country more so when the government in power seems to have adopted an attitude of lukewarm response to the evils being perpetrated in Nigeria in the name of religion.“The discrimination against non-Muslims in Nigeria under the Buhari Administration is assuming a dangerous dimension that should not be left to the vagaries of time and circumstance to resolve.“You will agree with me that with these happenings and the lukewarm attitude by the authorities concern toward putting an end to it, Nigeria is dancing a macabre dance of death, both for the nation and for its citizens. It is time to stop the beat and let common sense guide the nation out of the present quagmire. A stitch in time saves nine.“Before the situation escalates into an unmanageable national crisis, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is calling on the authorities both at the states and federal to do everything possi

Source: Muslims Take Christian Pastor, Hack His Arms Off, Chop His Legs Off And Then Decapitate Him. Now Major Christian Leaders Are Calling For Christians To Carry Arms And Defend Themselves Against Islamic Persecutors | Walid Shoebat

Survival Shotgun that can Fire 12 Different Calibers and Fits in Your Bug Out Bag

Do you have plans of taking a shotgun with you when it comes time to grab the bug out bag and get out of dodge? I know that shotguns are not normally part of bug out plans due to their size and weight. Most of us are already packing our handgun and a rifle, no one has room for a shotgun.Well with the introduction of the Chiappa M6 X-Caliber 12 gauge survival shotgun you can elect to leave your standard rifle and shotgun at home you choose to. It shoots 12 calibers of ammunition.The rifle was originally designed to fire a 12 gauge shell and a .22lr, but with the X-Caliber adapter set the M6 can fire up to 12 different calibers including .380 , 9 mm , .357Mag/.38SP , .40 S & W, .44 Mag, .45 ACP , .410/.45colt, and 20 gauge.The entire system is made of steel except for a foam insert in the butt stock to reduce weight. By pressing a single lever, the M6 can be folded at a hinge point to a compact 18″ that can easily fit in most backpacks.

Source: Check Out this Survival Shotgun that can Fire 12 Different Calibers and Fits in Your Bug Out Bag | Fabweb

Heavily-armed French soldiers deployed to protect Christian shrine…IN FRANCE!

Millions of pilgrims, many of whom are disabled, are drawn to the healing waters of the site in south west France every year where, in 1858, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous. And the numbers swell on August 15 – the Catholic feast day of  the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Source: Heavily-armed French soldiers deployed to protect Christian shrine…IN FRANCE!

FRANCE: Locals and tourists warned to avoid driving through Calais as Muslim invaders are smashing cars for fun

FRANCE: Locals and tourists warned to avoid driving through Calais as Muslim invaders are smashing cars for funMUSLIM migrants wielding bats and knives have been smashing up vehicles on roads near Calais as their owners sit in traffic, reportedly “just for fun”. Local residents are warning others to avoid the area, saying that the migrants are not even checking to see whether children are in the vehicles before they set upon them.

Source: FRANCE: Locals and tourists warned to avoid driving through Calais as Muslim invaders are smashing cars for fun

Donald Trump’s full speech today on Islamic terrorism

I am hereby going to agree with BNI and make the below my own.
No, I do not call it “radical” Islamic terrorism, because there is nothing radical about Islamic terrorism. It is pure and literal Islam as found in the quran.

Source: Donald Trump’s full speech today on Islamic terrorism