Mario Murillo Ministries

As long as God gives me the strength and the mandate, I will continue to warn you. I will warn you because that is what every God-fearing vessel should be doing right now. First, I will describe the tyranny, then I will follow with my discernment of our course of action.

Okay, if you thought that the Democrats were entering the realm of Orwell’s ‘1984’ totalitarian nightmare, mixed with the tactics of the Third Reich and Stalin’s purges, just wait until you see what this former Department of Justice rep. wants EVERY business in America to do:

A former federal prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, has launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”

And, yes, this is the man who was still with the DOJ when he was…

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Author: Lisa the Infidel

I am an #Infidel - born and bred North Carolina.

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