Trial Begins February 11th in Largest Medicare Fraud Bust in US

Frauds, Crooks and Criminals

The case involves American crooks, nursing homes, doctors, hospital workers, and over a billion in lost taxpayer dollars.

Editor: One of my readers is urging me to write something about American frauds, crooks and criminals so I’ve picked this news about a case the federal government says is its largest bust (so far). (Incidentally, the charity fraud posts like the one I wrote about yesterday are about Americans too!)

Today’s story is about former ‘one-percenter’ Philip Esformes and his father Rabbi Morris Esformes and their nursing home empire.

From the Miami Heraldon Tuesday,

Once among the ‘1 percent,’ executive faces $1 billion Medicare fraud trial

Not long ago, Miami Beach executive Philip Esformes was living quite comfortably among America’s “1 percent,” raking in millions from his healthcare business, gobbling up pricey real estate and darting around the country in chartered jets.

Philip Esformes Philip Esformes has been held behind bars since…

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Author: Lisa the Infidel

I am an #Infidel - born and bred North Carolina.

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