Please Help Our New Research Project By Sharing Your Perceptions Of Nancy Pelosi

D for both lol


In the first photo below, do you see:

(A) Uncontrolled muscular spasms possibly indicative of a sudden and massive cerebral hemorrhage.

(B) A puppet show.

(C) None of the above.

(D) All of the above.

(E) Other: (please explain in the comments)


In this next photo, you will observe US House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi floating next to the incalculable mass of an interstellar Black Hole. Based on this observation and your knowledge of the universal laws of physics, do you believe:

(A) The Black Hole is sucking in Nancy Pelosi.

(B) Nancy Pelosi is sucking in The Black Hole.

(C) They are collapsing in on each other. The resulting void will destroy all life as we know  it.  See ya.

(D) You wonder sometimes if this Taint guy is chugging the cough syrup again.

(E) Nothing.


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Author: Lisa the Infidel

I am an #Infidel - born and bred North Carolina.

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